You are the Oracle

Uncover the Secrets of bridging Heaven on Earth

My recent journey to Egypt allowed me to receive the light codes of Universal Abundance and Divine Love; these codes were received in both the Pyramids of Giza and the desert oasis waters of Siwa.

These codes - or better described as frequencies - are for those of you who know you are here to create a ripple effect of impact, legacy and joy, starting with YOU.

Come and receive these codes in my ‘Heaven on Earth Masterclass’ where you will discover and anchor in;

  • The secrets of bridging Heaven to Earth and becoming a magnet for all you desire;

  • And learn to channel your own Oracle to receive clear messages and guidance for your life, business, and legacy;

It's a journey of spiritual connection and practical wisdom.

Get instant access now

What Awaits You:

Heaven on Earth Masterclass

Uncover the secrets of bridging Heaven to Earth. In this powerful masterclass, discover how you can channel your own Oracle to receive clear messages and guidance for your life, business, and legacy. It's a journey of spiritual connection and practical wisdom.

USD 44.00
Join the Masterclass

Upgrade Your Experience

Anchor this embodiment with my live activations direct from Egypt where you will receive these codes directly into your body and energetic field so that you can become a living, breathing Oracle of your own creation.

You will receive the Heaven on Earth Masterclass


Egypt Codes Activations

Delve into a series of recorded activations 'You Are The Oracle.' These powerful recordings are a gateway to receive potent frequencies and shifts regularly. It's an opportunity to connect with your inner wisdom and bring about transformative change.

Investment: $77

Take the next step on your journey to self-discovery and empowerment.

The Egypt Codes Portal awaits you.

Embrace the mystical energies of Egypt and

unlock the codes that will shape your destiny.

USD 77.00
One time

Please note : You will receive an email with a link to the Masterclass.